My mind's my kingdom.
-Francis Quarles
The  mind is the gem, jewel and ruby,
and great is its worth.
-Jagat Singh
Your mind is a sacred enclosure
into which nothing harmful can enter
except by your permission.
-Arnold Bennett
The mind is a garden,
confined in a certain space and time
that can be contemplated only from where I am.
-Sang H. Kim
The mind is a world,
a world that man makes.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The human mind is not, 
as philosophers would have you think, a debating hall, 
but a picture gallery.
-Douglas Harding 
A man always has the voice of his mind.
-Pierre-Antoine Berryer
The state of your life
is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.
-Wayne Dyer
The mind is a product of experience.
It is the result of past thinking
and is modified by present thinking.
The mind is susceptible to suggestions.
It learns whatever you teach it.
The mind is your great servant.
Order it in the name of freedom!
-Kenneth G. Mills
Be transformed
by the renewing of your mind.
-The Bible
Conquer the mind,
and you conquer the world.
Everything that has happened to you
has come about because you first saw it
happening in your mind's eye.
-Howard Sherman
Nothing happens
that does not go through the mind.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
What shall I compare it to, this fantastic thing I call my Mind?
To a waste-paper basket, to a sieve choked with sediment,
or to a barrel full of floating froth and refuse?
No, what it is really most like is a spider's web,
insecurely hung on leaves and twigs, quivering in every wind,
and sprinkled with dewdrops and dead flies.
And at its centre, pondering forever the Problem of Existence,
sits motionless the spider-like and uncanny Soul.
-Logan Pearsall Smith
Few minds are sunlike,
sources of light in themselves, and to others;
many more are moons that shine with a borrowed radiance.
One may easily distinguish the two:
the former are always full;
the latter only now and then,
when their suns are shining full upon them.
-Julius Charles Hare
A strong and deep mind has two highest tides -
when the moon is at the full,
and when there is no moon.
-Julius Charles Hare
The moon passes effortlessly though all the phases of mind.
-William Douglas Horden
Mind is the great lever of all things.
-Daniel Webster
The mind is powerful.
Its power is generated by the flow of thoughts.
Anything moving in rapid succession
gathers power and strength.
The mind is a current,
very deep at the centre and very shallow at the periphery.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
The mind is like a fire
which is fueled by thoughts and desires.
The mind fleshes out what the heart envisions.
-William Douglas Horden
The joy of the mind
is the measure of its strength.
-Ninon de l'Enclos
Your mind may be likened to an incubator
which provides the proper conditions for thought to grow.
It matters not, be it positive or negative,
if concentrated upon sufficiently, it will flourish.
A man's mind is like a garden
which may be intelligently cultivated
or allowed to run wild.
But whether cultivated or neglected,
it must, and will, bring forth.
-James Allen
The mind requires daily inspiration.
-Hari Prasad Shastri
The mind grows by what it feeds on.
-Josiah Gilbert Holland
If you would make your mind strong,
you must give it strong food.
-Reuben Thomas
There are no limitations to the mind
except those we acknowledge.
-Napoleon Hill
Every now and then
a man's mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation,
and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
The mind abhors a vacuum.
The unfed mind devours itself.
-Gore Vidal
The mind assumes the shape
of any object it intensely thinks upon.
Your mind will answer most questions
if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
-William W. Burroughs
It's a good thing to turn your mind upside down now and then,
like an hour-glass, to let the particles run the other way.
-Christopher Morley
It is the nature of mind
to always change its mind.
-Stephen H. Wolinsky
For me, the adventures of the mind,
each inflection of thought,
each movement, nuance, growth, discovery,
is a source of exhilaration.
-Anais Nin
The mind is an enchanting thing,
is an enchanted thing.
-Marianne Moore
Mind is tissue woven of light and shade.
-Aurobindo Ghose
To ask, "What am I doing with my mind?"
is to question everything that needs to be questioned.
-Hugh Prather
The mind is its question,
and it is itself its answer.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
It is the mind that makes one
wise or ignorant, bound or emancipated.
The very activity of the mind
is a barrier to its own understanding.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
Spending time with your own mind is humbling and broadening.
One finds that there's no one in charge,
and is reminded that no thought lasts that long.
-Gary Snyder
Contemplate on the mind:
something has come from here,
something from there.
Mind has nothing that is original.
It is just accumulation.
-Sadhu Santideva
Mind operates under its own conception of itself.
-A. K. Mozumdar
The mind has to be empty
to see clearly.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
From the spiritual point of view
the mind is like a mirror;
it is only useful when it is clean.
Make the photographic plate of the mind clear.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The mind must empty itself of all the past
to become highly sensitive.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything;
it is open to everything.
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities;
in the expert's mind there are few.
-Shunryu Suzuki
The activity of mind creates a sense of self.
Like a microscope that is calibrated
to a very narrow perspective
your own mind only senses and perceives
a very narrow bandwidth of the expression of life.
-Steven Sadleir
The a filter which permits passage
only to those messages for which it is prepared
unless reality is so pressing as to overwhelm it completely.
-J. A. C. Brown
The chief characteristic of the mind
is to be constantly describing itself.
-Henri Focillon
My mind is like a beehive,
for in the midst of buzz and apparent confusion
there is great order, regularity of structure, and abundant food,
collected with incessant industry from the stores of nature.
-John Hunter
The mind is not an instrument of knowledge,
but only an organizer of knowledge.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"
The human mind is always making progress,
but it is a progress in spirals.
-Germaine de Stael, "Madame de Stael"
In the conquest of mind-space
it is the inches, consolidated, that count.
-B. H. Liddell Hart
As day follows night,
and order is created out of chaos,
so the human mind makes countless breakthroughs
into new phases of consciousness.
-Rebecca Clark
The more unified and concentrated the mind,
the greater is its power to reveal the truth
and the greater is the truth that it reveals.
The mind has its ultimate focus
in eternal and universal coordinates.
-Marc Edmund Jones
Successful minds work like a gimlet -
to a single point.
-Christain Bovee
Make the mind
A single point.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Only in quiet waters
things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in quiet mind
is adequate perception of the world.
-Hans Margolius
The test of steadiness of mind
is steadiness of look.
A mind always determined
has always a determined walk.
-Prentice Mulford
Keep a mind that is balanced
at all times, in all conditions and under all circumstances.
If water derives clarity from stillness,
how much more so does the mind!
A mind that has understood
the whole movement of thought
becomes extraordinarily quiet, absolutely silent.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
A mind that is stilled
is still the mind.
-Kenneth G. Mills
The essential nature of mind
is the background.
-Sogyal Rinpoche
Pure mind is empty mind.
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young, "Mooji"
The mind should be a vastness like the sky.
Mental events should be allowed to disperse like clouds.
The mind of a perfect man is like a mirror.
It grasps nothing.
It expects nothing.
It reflects but it does not hold.
-Chuang Tzu
The mind of the sage, being in repose,
becomes the mirror of the universe.
-Chuang Tzu
The perfectly still mind
is universal spirit.
-Swami Ramdas
To the mind that is still,
the whole universe surrenders.
-Chuang Tzu
There is no place to seek the mind. 
It is like the footprints of birds in the sky. 